Open data has spurred economic innovation, social transformation, and fresh forms of political and government accountability in recent years, but few people understand how open data works. This comprehensive 459-page report by New York University’s GovLab, developed with support from Omidyar Network, presents detailed case studies of open data projects throughout the world, along with in-depth analysis of what works and what doesn’t. OpenDRI’s own Vivien Deparday was interviewed about the team’s work and his experience for one of the 19 case studies.
Authors Andrew Young and Stefaan Verhulst, both with The GovLab at New York University, explain how these projects have made governments more accountable and efficient, helped policymakers find solutions to previously intractable public problems, created new economic opportunities, and empowered citizens through new forms of social mobilization.
This e-Book includes:
- Recommendations and implementation steps for policymakers, entrepreneurs, and activists looking to leverage open data
- Key challenges, such as resource shortages and inadequate privacy or security protections
- Four conditions that enable open data to work—including organizational partnerships and collaborations
- Case studies of open data projects for improving government in Brazil, Sweden, Slovakia, and other countries
- Projects for empowering citizens in Tanzania, Kenya, Mexico, and Uruguay
- New business opportunities enabled by open weather, geo-location, and market research data
- Public problem-solving efforts built on open data for Ebola in Sierra Leone, dengue fever in Singapore, and earthquakes in New Zealand
Download the e-Book for free here
The e-Book is the result of the Open Data’s Impact project conducted in collaboration with Omidyar Network. More information on the project can be found at odimpact.org