In Uganda, the World Bank is supporting the Government to develop improved access to drought risk related information and quicken the decision of scaling up disaster risk financing (DRF) mechanisms
Project Overview
In the context of the third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund Project (NUSAF III), the World Bank is supporting the Government of Uganda to develop improved access to drought risk related information and quicken the decision of scaling up disaster risk financing (DRF) mechanisms. The OpenDRI team is providing technical assistance to Uganda’s National Emergency Coordination and Operations Center (NECOC) in determining requirements for collecting, storing and analyzing satellite data used for monitoring drought conditions.
Understanding Uganda’s Risk
In recent years Uganda has been impacted by drought, with more than 10% of the population being at risk. The northern sub-region of Karamoja is one of the most severely hit, with a consequent increase in food insecurity. Currently the Government of Uganda (GoU) faces challenges in the collection and analysis of information upon which they can base a decision to respond and mitigate such risk. Without transparent, objective and timely data, times in mobilizing and financing responses can be delayed.
Collecting Data
The World Bank is supporting GoU to strengthen its disaster risk management strategy and response mechanisms. The current engagement looks to develop a more systematic, robust system for collecting, storing and analyzing drought risk related information to enable GoU to make more timely decisions. By retrieving satellite data systematically, NECOC will be able to analyze current crop and vegetation conditions with historic information, and quickly detect early warning signs of drought.
Uganda has a vibrant OpenStreetMap community, which has been mapping the country since 2010. A pilot community mapping project funded by GFDRR with support from the Government of Belgium, is being conducted in the city of Kampala.
[osma_charts_compare_map default_feature_type=”highways” default_start_year=”2010″ default_end_year=”now” polygon=”epleE%7Bp%7B%40%7DdBbx%40enAx%7CCulAzDw~C%7Dd%40a_Dd_CymA~wD%7BsBftAuy%40ypD_%7CC%7BeEf%60%40id%40gYgu%40je%40mxB_%60%40qf%40pGqv%40vfAkZdbAtDnA_h%40fa%40mf%40uTqVzg%40gqC%7DAu%60Al_BpBlI%7B_Av%5E~Itm%40u%5CcHiu%40rUkc%40nzFfT%7BSxm%40jHxl%40%60wAnbAud%40~sB%7COpo%40fiCrs%40″]
[osma_charts_activity country=”UGA” start_date=”2010/01/01″ end_date=”2018/05/01″ default_granularity=”monthly” default_facet=”features” precision=”2″]
[osma_charts_statistics_table country=”UGA” start_date=”2010/01/01″ end_date=”2018/05/01″ statistics=”buildings-activity,highways-activity,waterways-activity” precision=”2″]
Sharing Data
The OpenDRI team provides support and advice to GoU in developing best practices for sharing and managing risk related information. Interoperability of data sources produced by various ministries and non-government organizations is critical to ensure timely access to data by NECOC and conduct effective drought risk analysis. A geospatial data sharing platform will be deployed by GoU to facilitate exchange of such critical information and adoption of data standards.
Using Data
A technical committee, composed of experts from the government and partner organizations, has agreed to use a satellite derived indicator known as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as the primary dataset to inform decisions for triggering the disaster risk financing mechanism. Initially the system will be exclusively dedicated to monitoring drought risk in the northern sub-region of Karamoja. In the following years, it is expected to expand operations and cover other regions exposed to drought risk, integrating additional data sources which will become accessible thanks to improved data collection strategies and sharing mechanisms.