Saint Lucia

GeoNode will also be used for a new Land Use Management digital information system in Saint Lucia.

Ministry of Physical Planning

Understanding Risks in Saint Lucia

The island of Saint Lucia is exposed to heavy rainfall, tropical storms, hurricanes, winds, and droughts among other natural hazards. As a result, poverty levels in the country are exacerbated and its economy is fragile. The World Bank has been involved with Disaster Risk Management related work since the 1990s, primarily financing post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation projects after Tropical storm Debbi in 1997. Alongside the World Bank teams, OpenDRI is now building on the lessons learned to institute higher levels of institutional capacity and availability of information to prepare better for future hazards.

Sharing Data

In February 2012, Saint Lucia launched the Saint Lucia Integrated National GeoNode (SLING). The country is in the process of updating its overall approach to GIS data collection and usage. GeoNode will also be used for their new Land Use Management digital information system.