
The Open Data for Resilience Initiative assisted in Typhoon Yolanda relief by supporting a GeoNode specific to the event.

Environment Science for Social Change, Project NOAH, OSM Philippines Community, GeoRepublic Japan, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Understanding Risk Conditions

The Philippines is one of the world’s most at risk countries from natural disasters. Its location on the Pacific Rim makes it vulnerable to typhoons and flooding from monsoon rains, in addition to a range of other natural hazards, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Sharing Data

The GeoNode platform was used extensively after Typhoon Yolanda (international name Haiyan) swept the Phiippines with 300 km/hour winds and a storm surge of over six meters at the end of 2013. The storm displaced nearly 11 million people and killed more than 6,000.

The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) teamed up with the American Red Cross and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) to integrate data from various actors building damage assessments after Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) and to mobilize one of the largest participatory mapping efforts to date. The Open Data for Resilience Initiative assisted in Typhoon Yolanda relief by supporting a GeoNode specific to the event.

They created a free and open data platform using GeoNode software to gather and share information from different sources, to assist the Philippines with reconstruction efforts. The site serves as a repository of the data informing the damage assessments that are available on other websites. Efforts have focused on strengthening and supporting the OpenStreetMap (OSM) Philippines community, empowering local government units and supporting disaster risk reduction activities.The event specific GeoNode ultimately collected more than 72 layers of geospatial data, from damage assessments to situation reports. hosts 16 maps, 2 documents, 42 users, and 38 layers at this time.

Collecting Data in the Philippines

The World Bank provided training and technical assistance to local goverment units to create basemap information and then perform impact analysis using InaSAFE. Three LGUs participated in the program from the province of Pampanga, they were Candaba, Lubao and Guagua. A total of 85 people participated in the process from these areas and six OSM volunteers additionally participated and assisted the training team during the activities. The first portion of the training was about the collection of infrastructure data using OSM and later InaSAFE workshops were held to show how the collected data could be analyzed.