
Mozambique’s national disaster management agency, The Instituto Nacional de Gestão das Calamidades (INGC), in collaboration with the World Bank and the GFDRR, has developed a sustainable OpenDRI work plan currently under implementation.

Understanding Mozambique’s Risks

Mozambique’s geographic position, location and size make it exposed to extensive flood hazards and intense cyclones and windstorms. Long, severe droughts mobilize national and international attention. Historical data on disaster events shows that Mozambique suffered 62 major events in 51 years (1957- 2008), i.e., 1.2 events per year on average (INGC, 2009). Influenced by these statistics, Mozambique’s national disaster management agency, The Instituto Nacional de Gestão das Calamidades (INGC), in collaboration with the World Bank and the GFDRR, has developed a sustainable OpenDRI work plan currently under implementation.

Mozambique thumbnail image by Stig Nygaard licensed under CC BY 2.0