The goal of this Overview Report, published in May 2013, is to communicate the vision, approach and impact of the Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI). This program, launched in 2011 by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), is a critical component of the strategy toward helping countries better understand and manage disaster and climate risk. Access to the right information for decision-making is an essential component of building resilience and cuts across all components of this agenda. OpenDRI has developed programs in over 20 countries to achieve this end. This publication documents the successes and lessons learned throughout the course of this work. As we look toward continued expansion of OpenDRI it is important to reflect on what has already been accomplished and look for new ways to continue to make the philosophy and practices of the Open Data Movement relevant to the work of GFDRR and the World Bank.
Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI): Overview
Download the final version of Open Data for Resilience Initiative: Overview here. It is the result of a collaborative effort among the authors and readers of a draft version released in February 2013. The collaborative effort was intended to allow OpenDRI partners and other stakeholders provide input into the process of articulating the Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI). The authoring team was able to incorporate the greater portion of those suggestions; for that open collaboration, this publication is much better.